My take on the debate...written by an actual writer

His name is Charles P. Pierce, and he writes for Esquire Magazine. He also has the added benefit of living in Massachusetts, so he knows Romney better. But wow did he nail it with his description of the debate.

I bow at his ability to put into words exactly what I was feeling watching Romney in action. He picked out the exact moment I had a visceral reaction, and why...
The one thing nobody can ever say now is that they didn't know the exact character of Willard Romney, and exactly how he feels about The Help, including that member of The Help who currently holds the job that Romney believes should have been his by virtue of his god-kissed, golden life.

"You'll get your chance in a moment. I'm still speaking."

Put all those Romneys together and that's what they sound like, even when they're talking to the president of the United States. It's the voice of the bloodless job-killer, the outsourcing Moloch of the industrial Midwest, and the guy who poses with his Wall Street cronies with dollar bills in his mouth. People who claim to be interested in "character" should remember that.
I couldn't have said it better myself. And I tried.