Today's Best Tweets

I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are ten of my favorites today...

Richard Lewis ‏@TheRichardLewis
Why is it is harder to vote in many states than having a three-way with your wife and two ex-girlfriends

James Finn Garner ‏@jamesfinngarner
Romney, Romney, Romney! I'm sick of hearing about Romney! Hasn't Paul Ryan said something stupid and cruel this week?

david carr ‏@carr2n
What's for dinner, honey? Chef Killed His Wife and Boiled Her for Four Days

CBS Chicago ‏@cbschicago
Hungry? Check our "Best German Food In Chicago" list!

New York Daily News ‏@nydailynews
Clint Eastwood on The Chair: ‘If somebody’s dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention...’

Julie Hammerle ‏@JulieHammerle
Today is the annual "I sit back and not get it while people make a thing about pirates for some reason" day.

Mark A. Rayner ‏@markarayner
In case you'd REALLY like to talk like a pirate today, here's a glossary of #pirate terms at JP Morgan's website

Anita S ‏@Chezhdchick
Seriously. There are no words. Cutler 'proud' of performance vs. Packers

alan cox ‏@alancoxshow
I bet "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" was never a phrase that was used while they were in school.

Robin Roberts ‏@RobinRoberts
JUST completed chemo. Today is day of rest - positive thoughts,words & deeds. How every day should be. Love YOU from bottom of my graeful ♥.