Today's Best Tweets
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
.@ConanOBrien imagines a dystopian future in which comedians take over and America crumbles into Onion-flavored dust
The Daily Beast @thedailybeast
Receptionist who connected Kate Middleton prank callers commits suicide
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Slashthestachers, stay tuned. At 4:30 p.m. on CNN, one of DC's remaining mustachioed personalities is going 2 put his whiskers on the line.
Ari Berman @AriBerman
RT @GarrettQuinn US added 146k jobs in November. Unemployment rate drops to 7.7%, lowest since December 2008.
WGNMorningNews @WGNMorningNews
Let it be said: on the radio, off the radio, OVER THE PHONE, Eddie & Jobo are good sports. Best of luck @eddievolkman #yeahhhhhhhhhh
Scott Simon @nprscottsimon
Daughters helped make sandwiches this AM. They said dill sauce looked like sludge poo. My cue to squirt into mouth, yes?
FuzzyMemories.TV @FuzzyMemories
Rick Klein and Kevin Szaflik on WGN Radio's The Bill Leff Show from last night talking about the Bozo's Circus...
New York Daily News @nydailynews
Michigan college student tried to poison roommate by putting bleach in iced tea @TIME
Inside the complicated history of the attack on Pearl Harbor |
NCME @mediaengage
#PearlHarborDay reminds us of our veterans: @StoryCorps captures their voices from then and now