Today's Best Tweets
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
The Balding Handbook @BaldingHandbook
Evolved Bald Man Helps Fellow Sufferers Through the Five Stages of Grieving … via @sharethis
Kate Middleton's London hospital is punk'd by two DJs in Australia: @Salon
Jon Stewart peers over the edge of the fiscal cliff: "Don’t worry, your fall will be cushioned by lava.” … [video]
Judd Apatow @JuddApatow
how cool is this? Nichols and May do an interview together in @vanityfair - their first in 50 years. …
Al Yankovic @alyankovic
Every time somebody tweets "Your an idiot" an irony angel gets its wings.
Deadspin @Deadspin
Our favorite radio call of the season: "The Lakers have just pooped their big-boy pants!"
Paul Sullivan @PWSullivan
Brief lull in Winter Meetings as agents iron their jeans and black collared shirts for a new day of schmoozing execs.
New York Daily News @nydailynews
Man shoots girlfriend after watching 'Walking Dead,' arguing about logistics of a zombie apocalypse
Peter Suderman @petersuderman
Here's why Reason is awesome: You can meet in the comments, fall in love, get married, have a kid, and name her Reason
Adam Greenberg @adamgreenberg10
As of this am 4 legitimate possibilities for spring training. Couldn't be more excited. More meetings today. I'm ready for opportunity