Today's Best Tweets

Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...

Mark Edwards ‏@markedwards
Lushes, Now You Can Warm Up With Wine Ice Cream | Foodbeast

Chicagoland Media ‏@ChiRadioMedia
WGN’s John Williams Sells La Grange Park Home -- …

Arlington Hts Patch ‏@AHeightsILPatch
Today is the last day we're supposed to see temps in the 50s -- Enjoy the warmish weather!!

New York Daily News ‏@nydailynews
Senator Ashley Judd? Actress is reportedly considering taking on Mitch McConnell for seat

R.A. Dickey ‏@RADickey43
Looking forward to being on the Daily Show today. I hear Mr. Stewart is a Mets fan.

Nikki Knepper ‏@queenofcussin
Writing a blog about vomit and Rolie Polie Olie. Sometimes I miss having little ones around, but then I remember...

Eric & Kathy ‏@EricandKathy
"I'm fine." The most hated phrase that a woman can say to a man. #Fact

CTA Tattler ‏@ctatattler
Top 10 cities for cellphone theft? Chicago doesn't even make the list #cnblog @chicagonow …

Brian Stelter ‏@brianstelter
ICYMI (like I did) last night: Roger Ailes' failed attempt to enlist David Petraeus as presidential candidate, on tape:

Chet Coppock ‏@ChetCoppock
White Sox without the dynamic A.J. Pierzynski will be like a vodka tonic without the vodka. end of an era looms