Today's Best Tweets

I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are some that caught my eye today...

Deadspin ‏@Deadspin
From @Jeremy_Roenick's new book: Drunken nights hiding from Mike Keenan, the NHL's last great asshole coach.

Kevin Corrigan ‏@kevincorrigan
Cool Fact: Tropicana has one orange tree in NYC. They make one carton of OJ from it a year and auction it for charity. It tastes terrible.

Roger Ebert ‏@ebertchicago
"Skyfall" is the best James Bond film in years. My review:

Christopher Hayes ‏@chrislhayes
.@aoscott on Lincoln: "among the finest films ever made about American politics" Totally agree.

"Angry Birds Star Wars" is out today. Check out the dark side of the Force in @mikesnider's preview:

MancowMuller ‏@MancowMuller
Since Mitt Romney lost the presidential race to Obama. Now the most powerful Mormon in America is once again Donny Osmond.

Andy Borowitz ‏@BorowitzReport
Republicans Consider Welcoming People Who Believe in Math and Science:

James Finn Garner ‏@jamesfinngarner
Kiss 30 mins goodbye! Possibly best Tumblr ever: #GOP

Gawker ‏@Gawker
Free Republic wins Obama victory overreaction contest with letter asking United Kingdom to take the US back

Lin Brehmer ‏@LinBrehmer
Pot without the high? @cnnbrk reporting Israeli firm producing pot with medical benefits but no intoxication. Ahh, progress.