Today's Best Tweets
I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are some that caught my eye today...
Google Facts @GooogleFacts
High fives didn't exist until 1977.
Eddie Volkman @EddieVolkman
I'm all for gaining an extra hour on the weekend, but when it's time to LOSE the hour why can't it be at 2 PM on a Monday?
Marc Leepson @MarcLeepson
One of my pedantic pet peeves is correcting people when they say "Daylight Savings Time." It's actually Daylight Saving Time--no s. Got it?
@NeilDiamond Working the phones for Obama... If I call you, don't hang up. It's really me and I need you.#OFACulver
Ann Coulter @AnnCoulter
Illinois in play: Early/absentee voting down 57% in Chicago. Unless O wins BIG in Chicago, he loses the state.
HowardKurtz @HowardKurtz
The pundits have spoken: It's Obama! Guess we have to go through the ritual of voting tomorrow anyway.
Christopher Hayes @chrislhayes
If you have genuinely no partisan preference, the amount of independent research you need to do for down ballot races is overwhelming.
Mark Knoller @markknoller
Bill Clinton's four events today for Pres Obama will bring his total to 37. That's 36 more events than he did for Al Gore in 2000.
2m The Associated Press @AP
Forecasters tracking nor'easter that threatens #Sandy recovery, cleanup in New Jersey, New York: -CJ
Mental Floss @mental_floss
On this date in 1955, Doc Brown hit his head on the edge of his sink and invented time travel.