Today's Best Tweets
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Rick Kaempfer @RickKaempfer
Some great stocking stuffer ideas from Eckhartz Press on this Cyber Monday ( …) #books
Reid Wilson @HotlineReid
The 364 items listed in '12 Days of Christmas' would now cost $107k, up 6.1% over last year, per PNC's annual study #HotlineSort
Andy Daglas @AndyDaglas
REPORTS: Most holiday shoppers able to locate no more than 4 lords a-leaping this year due to skills gap.
Did you watch Lifetime's #LizAndDick, starring Lindsay Lohan? Did you dislike it as much as @BiancoRobert did? Review:
Greg Sargent @ThePlumLineGS
CNN poll: 56% support high taxes on rich to preserve gov't programs for poor. In Morning Roundup:
Tampa Bay Rays @RaysBaseball
Longoria’s new contract incorporates the salaries for 2013-16 and extends 6 more years through 2022 for an additional $100 million.
Robert Feder @RobertFeder
A @jamesvanosdol triumph: "We Appreciate Your Enthusiasm: The Oral History of Q101" exceeds all expectations:
Mark Wilhelms @Markwilhelms
Don’t Fall For Fake Facebook Privacy Notice
Huffington Post @HuffingtonPost
After sex, she eats his face (VIDEO)
Adam Oestmann @adamspeaks
Putting on my Griswold jersey and heading outside to put up the Christmas lights. Wish me luck. #shittersfull