Today's Best Tweets

Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...

Buster Olney ‏@Buster_ESPN
A major, major loser in all this will be Jose Reyes, who goes from the tax haven of Florida to Canada, where tax is about half of income.

Mark A. Rayner ‏@markarayner
This just in: survey shows journalists are more trustworthy than prison snitches!

Julie Hammerle ‏@JulieHammerle
PSA: When you promise to do the dishes and then leave a frying pan filled with water sitting in the sink, the dishes have not been "done."

People magazine ‏@peoplemag
"My first thought was, 'Y'all are messing with me.'" — @channingtatum, on being named this year's #SexiestManAlive

Ron Smith ‏@oldiesmusic
People now says Channing Tatum is the "Sexiest Man Alive". Apparently, when your year is up they kill you.

Fred Winston ‏@FredWinston
Stuffing = In the bird. Dressing = In a casserole, baked separately.

The Daily Caller ‏@DailyCaller
White House 'secede' petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation -

Chuck Todd ‏@chucktodd
The only thing dumber than this secession story is giving it legit oxygen. Let's not go down that rabbit hole

Breaking News ‏@BreakingNews
Report: Former CIA Director David Petraeus will testify on Benghazi attacks before congressional committees - @FoxNews

Dave Wischnowsky ‏@wischlist
My piece today for @ChicagoSide about the #Illini's efforts to win the Windy City: "Fighting for Chicago -- and Losing"