Today's Best Tweets

Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...

Roger Simon ‏@politicoroger
Letterman: "James Bond beat Abraham Lincoln at the box office. Boy, it's really been a lousy week for Republicans."

Ray Long ‏@RayLong
Arizona woman runs down husband with car for not voting: police via @sharethis

Simon Dumenco ‏@simondumenco
Nymphographic: James Bond: 50 years, 22 films, 53 women, 75 implied sexual encounters @TinyMaster

Ben Greenman ‏@bengreenman
This widening Petraeus affair is really threatening to blow the lid off human nature.

Anita S ‏@Chezhdchick
Guys always think they'll never get caught, even though they SHOULD realize that all women have to tell SOMEONE, or their heads will explode

Eddie Volkman ‏@EddieVolkman
@phil_rosenthal: They exchanged 20,000 to 30,000 "potentially inappropriate" emails? I find they get suspicious around 40,000.

Chris Moody ‏@Chris_Moody
I'm surprised Hitler hasn't found out about the Petraeus affair yet on YouTube.

Ezra Klein ‏@ezraklein
Bobby Jindal: "We cannot be, we must not be, the party that simply protects the rich so they get to keep their toys.”

Lizz Winstead ‏@lizzwinstead
Arizona elects a bisexual atheist to congress. Republicans still squawking if Romney was true conservative he would have won. #Beyond

Gawker ‏@Gawker
"Dump Donald Trump" petition gaining major traction #DumpTrump