The Who Review

Went to the Who concert last night with my oldest son Tommy. He really really loved it. ("Better than Pink Floyd, but not quite as good as McCartney" is the way he classified it). When they did "Who are You", he leaned over to me and said: "Whatever money you paid for this was worth it just to hear and see that."

I liked it too, although to be totally honest, it's the sixth or seventh time I've seen them, and they have sounded better in the past. Roger couldn't quite hit some of the notes anymore, particularly that last "LOVE" scream on "Love Reign O'er Me"

But they were not going through the motions at all. The thing that always astounds me when I see them live is that they don't just play the songs--they attack them. It's a violent, desperate act. I think that's one of the reasons that the Who is most certainly a guy's band. As always at a Who concert, men outnumbered the women dramatically in the crowd last night.

My favorite moment of the concert actually happened in the bathroom. I heard a guy say to another guy at the urinals: "Last time I saw 'em, I dropped acid. Now I'm dropping antacid."

I'm totally stealing that line.