The Polls

Now that the election is over, can we point out the hysterical rantings of the right wing regarding unfair polling practices were utterly, completely, and totally wrong?

Nate Silver of the New York Times 538 blog was lambasted by Fox News (and Joe Scarborough at MSNBC for that matter). They went after him day and night. Called him delusional, partisan, and in one case, "sort of gay". Nice. How did his predictions turn out? He got all 50 states correct. All 50.

What about poll tracker's poll of polls? 49 out of 50 states correct. Only Florida was picked incorrectly.

And Rasmussen--the one poll that Republicans pointed out time and time again? They got Florida, Virginia, Iowa, and New Hampshire wrong. They also got the national vote wrong (so did Gallup)...and there were at least four other states they had wrong, but changed in the last couple of days when they saw everyone else was picking Obama.

And what about the pundits? Dick Morris said Romney would win by 5-7 points. George Will predicted a Romney landslide (over 300 electoral votes). So did Michael Barone. So did Karl Rove. And so did a dozen or more other Republican pundits.

Shouldn't you have to give up your pundit job when you're that spectacularly wrong?

Just sayin'.