Presidents in the Movies
According to Slate Magazine, care to guess which U.S. president has been portrayed most often in the movies? No big surprises here...
1. Lincoln (130)
2. Washington (70)
3. U.S. Grant (47)
4. Thomas Jefferson (46)
5. (Tie) Richard Nixon, George W. Bush (36)
How many do you think have never been portrayed in the movies? Only 3.
1. John Tyler
2. James Buchanan
3. Warren Harding
I'll be honest--that last one doesn't sound right. If he has never been the focus of a movie, even tangentially, then Hollywood is blowing it. The Warren Harding story has to be one of the most interesting presidential stories ever. Same with James Buchanan for that matter. It's been widely speculated that he was the first (and only) gay president.
John Tyler? OK. No arguments there.