Bubba the Love Sponge

Would you believe that Bubba is involved in another scandal? Remember he was involved in the Hulk Hogan sextape scandal (it was with Bubba's wife), and now it turns out he's in the middle of this Jill Kelley/Petraeus scandal too. From Tom Taylor's column this morning...

"The Petraeus mess has drawn in Tampa’s Bubba the Love Sponge. The tentacles of what comedian Stephen Colbert referred to as a “Pentagon”-shaped mystery have reached further into Tampa. The New York Daily News says Bubba’s March proclamation that he would “deep fat-fry a Koran” got the attention of Tampa’s Jill Kelley. The paper says she “wrote the mayor, saying that then-CIA Director David Petraeus and the top commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, had asked her about ‘getting this dealt with.’” Obviously, they didn’t want to further inflame Muslim sentiment. The mayor said his office was “working on it,” and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn also told Kelley – the frequent email chum of General Allen – that “this Bubba the Love Sponge is a complete moron.” Now it’s Bubba’s turn. The WHPT (102.5) morning personality was “reportedly part of a crowd outside Kelley’s Tampa mansion on Friday.” And he’s not too happy about the mayor’s “moron” judgment. He told the Tampa Bay Times “I will make it my mission to destroy this guy…I am his political death sentence.”

Oh, and by the way, about a month ago, Hogan's lawsuit against Bubba was settled. I must have missed this. Found the details on TMZ...

"Hulk Hogan has settled his lawsuit against his ex-BFF, Bubba the Love Sponge, over the sex tape scandal...Financial terms of the settlement were not released, but clearly a public mea culpa from Bubba, real name Todd Alan Clem, was part of the deal.Bubba played the apology after coming back from a commercial break ... and the audio was sped up and hard to listen to ... just like a legal notice at the end of a car commercial.