Today's Best Tweets

I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are some that caught my eye today...

David Roberts ‏@drgrist
Lots of government bureaucrats and moochers wading around NYC tonight, saving people's lives.

Glenn Thrush ‏@GlennThrush
We interrupt 18 months of BS, vitriol and partisan re-packaging to bring you a few days of Americans acting like Americans...

daveweigel ‏@daveweigel
RT @tedfrank: A half hour of CNN watching provides less information than reading a good set of Twitter feeds for 5 minutes.

Barack Obama ‏@BarackObama
Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the storm. Support Red Cross relief efforts here: http://OFA.BO/2iMcEV -bo

Mike Flannery ‏@PoliticalEditor
mt "@GovChristie: I want to thank the President personally for all his assistance as we recover from the storm."

Governor Christie ‏@GovChristie
The surge was so strong we have rail cars on the Jersey Turnpike this morning. #Sandy.

Huffington Post ‏@HuffingtonPost
"The New York City subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as..last night." -MTA Chairman Lhota

Nicholas Kristof ‏@NickKristof
I'm hoping that Sandy will help turn the conversation from weather to climate. This should remind us of the stakes, no?

Lizz Winstead ‏@lizzwinstead
Hey Super Pacs. How about spending money on disaster relief this week. #DeafEarsSuggestion

Steve Martin ‏@SteveMartinToGo
Trump Tower still standing due to last minute, multi-layer coating of hair spray!

Paul Konrad ‏@PaulKonrad
Michigan City Buoy just reported at 59mph sustained wind and a 67mph gust.

Lou Brutus ‏@LouBrutus
How will New Jersey get back at Hurricane Sandy? My guess is she'll be found w two bullets in her head in the trunk of a late model Buick.

And here's one non-storm one that made me chuckle...

steve rosenbloom ‏@steverosenbloom
The Cardinals last year, the Giants this year --- everywhere Ryan Theriot goes, World Series follow. No, wait . . .