Today's Best Tweets

I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are ten that caught my eye today...

Chris Rock ‏@chrisrockoz
Guys communicate by insulting each other, but don't really mean it. Girls communicate by complimenting each other, but don't really mean it.

The New Yorker ‏@NewYorker
The magazine’s endorsement of Barack Obama describes his first-term achievements and vision for America’s future:

Josh Liss ‏@JoshLissSports
All the @cbschicago "experts" are picking Bears over the Lions, but I'm the only one thinking low scoring game. …

Eddie Volkman ‏@EddieVolkman
My wife tried my #DrPepper10 and didn't like it. Umm, didn't their marketing department sufficiently warn you?

Jim Gaffigan ‏@JimGaffigan
This is getting ridiculous. At what point does a newborn learn to change their own diaper?

Judd Apatow ‏@JuddApatow
Do you ever wake up and it feels like the night before when you went to sleep you were ten years old?

Sports Illustrated ‏@SInow
"Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling and he deserves to be forgotten in cycling.'' - ICU President Pat McQuaid

Andy Borowitz ‏@BorowitzReport
By far, Lance Armstrong's darkest legacy will be that he convinced millions of men it was okay to wear bike shorts.

karl ravech ‏@karlravechespn
Cards won 6 straight winner take all games, giants have won 5 elimination games this post's a horror movie, monsters won't die

Josh Marshall ‏@joshtpm
TPM Electoral Scoreboard moves to Obama: 271, Romney: 199 as Ohio moves from Toss Up to Lean Obama …