Four Different Personas of News Consumers

I found this article in MediaPost really interesting. It's about NBC News' decision to stop targeting demographics when they sell their advertising, and focus on personas of consumers instead. This is a big change in the way it's always been done.

According to their research, there are four different personas of news consumers...
“Always On:” Consumers who are constantly connected to news feeds across multiple devices throughout their waking day.

“Reporters:” A slightly smaller segment of “digital natives” who grew up consuming news via online and mobile media, and who have manifested the behaviors of news disseminators, taking pride in their ability to break important news to their friends via their own social media postings.

“Skimmers:” Consumers who are not passionately connected to news.

“Veterans:” Consumers who primarily rely on traditional media as a trusted source for news.
I'm not sure what category I fit in. Definitely not "always on" and definitely not "skimmer". I guess I'm either a reporter or a veteran.