Today's Best Tweets
I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are ten that caught my eye today...
Albert Brooks @AlbertBrooks
Breaking sports news: NFL refs just reviewed '86 World Series. Bill Buckner did NOT drop the ball.
Lin Brehmer @LinBrehmer
#Packers are 1-2 Send Lawyers, guns and money. The Cheese has hit the fan.
Dan McNeil @DanMcNeil670
I guess I gotta pay the bookie regardless. Goodell owes me $220.
The Heckler @The_Heckler
How many barns do you think are currently on fire in Wisconsin? Worse than the 1981 cheese riots, we bet.
Steve Cochran @CochranShow
RT @rolandsmartin: Gov Scott Walker wants to bust up unions in Wisconsin. He is pleading for the referees union to make a deal with @nfl!
Rick Kaempfer @RickKaempfer
I am outraged (outraged!) by that call in the MNF game. Wait a second. Did that just happen to the Packers? Scab refs are people too.
Man had sex with couch, cops say
Lisa and Ray US99.5 @LisaandRay995
How did you get your babies to fall asleep? One couple uses the Star Wars Theme Song...
Amy Guth @amyguth
Prince disappointed fans, says @gregkot. Was booed during 1st of 3 nights at United Center:
Funny One Liners @funnyoneliners
I've been holding my stomach in for about 3 years now so don't talk to me about dedication