This Morning's Best Tweets
I've begun to spend a few minutes every day reading my twitter feed. Here are ten of my favorites from the last hour...
Buster Olney @Buster_ESPN
Contenders most in need of a victory today: 1. Detroit. 2. Detroit. 3. Detroit. 4. Philadelphia. 5. Detroit.
James Finn Garner @jamesfinngarner
My kids can't go back to school so soon. The landscaping isn't close to being finished. #realworldskills
Ana Fernatt @AccidentallySxy
I will never understand why bald guys keep their ponytails.
Simon Dumenco @simondumenco
Nothing says Christmas like a restructured pork product molded into the shape of ribs
Chet Coppock @ChetCoppock
When the 2012 #MLB season ends AJ Pierzynski must go because even his teammates now hate him.
The Onion @TheOnion
[Top Weekend Story] Romney Just Saying He Grew Up Poor In Memphis Now
Mark Caro @MarkCaro
C'mon, tomatoes, this warm weather isn't going to last. Ripen, please.
Julie Hammerle @JulieHammerle
Lest you think the Illinois legislature can't get anything done, you now need a photo ID to buy Drano.
Will McAvoy @WillMcAvoyACN
The only person whose political opinion I value less than @realDonaldTrump is @KimKardashian.
Deadspin @Deadspin
A couple humped in a Yankee Stadium bathroom for 3 innings (i.e. as long as the Rays' starter lasted on Sunday).